Thursday, August 26, 2004

Sticket to The Man!

So I was in the town of Natick yesterday and I got a parking ticket. Why did I get this ticket, you ask? I had money in the meter, I was in the lines...BUT I parked my car backwards. I never knew that this was such an offense until recently. So, they charged me $10 for parking my car 180 degrees in the wrong direction. I was in Natick again today and parked on the same street, this time facing the proper direction so as to avoid another ticket. Then I noticed that the car parked in the space beside mine had run out of time on their meter. So you know what I did? I put money in their meter! Therefore, this person could avoid a $20 ticket and the town of Natick would technically lose $20. Serves them right for giving me that lame ticket.

Later on in the day, I returned to my car only to notice that the car parked in that space was actually a HANDICAPPED automobile and therefore does not need money in the meter! And I wasted my hard-earned 25 cents on it! Now I am $10.25 in the hole. Damn you, town of Natick! I'll get you yet!

I know must do at least $10.25 worth of damage to the town of Natick in order to show them who is boss. Is there any streets signs in Natick that anybody wants?


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